Friday, August 10, 2012

if it's not's probably nuts

Let me be frank about something...IT'S FRIDAY!
(my random musings from the week)

1.  This week started out with the most wonderful Sunday.  Oh, it was bliss.  The kind where you stop and marvel at the sheer beauty of the day...and the fact that you are breathing deep with relaxation.  Sigh.

My boyfriend and I ate brunch at a favorite restaurant and followed up with a trip to my favorite bakery.  It was the perfect start to Terrific Lady Day!  The bakery had a Tiramisu cupcake and I just HAD to try it!  (No, my love bear did not go in with me ... something about the smell of sweets and allergies or some nonsense).  All I can say is that there were googly eyes made at the cupcake ... and there was some eating involved.  Perhaps before we even got home.  Couldn't say.

To work off all that cake, we took a wee trip to the lake.  It was a beautiful day, so when I pulled out my book to start reading, the sky looked something like this:

(Do you feel like you're on a boat because my picture is tilted?  Totally ON PURPOSE.  Kind of)

Not an hour later, I had the sneaking suspicion that we were headed the wrong way.  
Like, into the rain.  
Like, my boo bunny wants to be part of Storm Chasers. 
Like, we can't watch that show ever again. 
Like, this is no longer Terrific Lady Day.  Refund Please.
Like, get me out of here...?

(eek.  the imposing storm...dun, dun, dun)

Never fear.  We survived.  
And ... I got a watermelon from a roadside stand out of the whole ordeal.  
TLD success?  I think so.

2.  Speaking of melons...I've had this issue on Twitter...and it makes me want to write a letter.

     Dear Adult Entertainment Stars that mysteriously follow me on the Twitter,
     I understand that you are into comparing lady bits and all that...but I like mine just fine
     thank you very much and don't need to see yours.
     Surely you understand?  Keep up the good work inspiring Honey Boo Boo's future profession.
     Love, Me

3.  Do you know what seems nuts to me?  Having three bad dreams in one week.  Three!  I never remember my dreams and all of the sudden...BOOM.  Bad dreams about summer camp, bugs and a poem.  Oh, you read that right.  A poem.  My mother used to lull me to sleep reciting some truly terrifying poetry.  Of course, at the time, I thought nothing of it - good rhythmic words and I was out like a light.  But looking back?  I was probably such a good child because of these poems.  If you would like to subliminally teach your child respect and promote possible nightmares as an adult, please memorize the following poem: Little Orphan Annie.  I agree that you should mind your parents, teachers and elders...but there are goblins in the poem.  That will get you...if you DON'T WATCH OUT.  Really?  Who thought that was age appropriate?

I'll have to thank my mother.

4.  I would really like a John Stossel button that, when pushed, says GIVE ME A BREAK!  Has that already been invented?  I feel like I'm onto something good here...

5.  So, sometimes on a weeknight during happy hour...I get a sideways glance from my love biscuit.  I know that said look could mean one of two things:
A.  Trouble.
B.  That he will be "whisking me away" to the Sonic for a half-price slushie.

Usually it's the slushie...

Now, I'm not the world's most avid slushie fan.  I'd really rather have a milkshake.  But I could tell that the flavor combinations would make an excellent cupcake.  So...I got to work and found a recipe that tasted pretty darn close....

Please meet the cherry limeade cupcake...a lime cake base with a limeade glaze topped with a cherry lime frosting.  It was pretty tasty...even my favorite FedEx person liked them (I was like the cupcake fairy, flitting around the mall).  PLUS, it turns out he likes to bake too!  I knew I liked that man...I'll take the cake on that.

(also, I discovered how to write on pictures this week ... and I'm pretty excited
... and there may or may not be dozens of pictures on my phone with captions...)

(you can find the recipe HERE)

6.  I have to take a stand.  I am anti - eggs - in - ice - cream.  I went to make ice cream a couple weeks ago and decided to take on the laborious process of egging on the stove.  I lovingly separated the eggs and beat them and put them in a pot.  But, you see...there is a VERY, VERY fine line between egg foam and scrambled eggs.  I dipped my spoon in the pot and decided that the foam for my ice cream was done.  I went to turn off the burner and all of a sudden...I had this grooooossssss curdled mixture.  I was shocked and horrified (and maybe just a little bit heartbroken).  Needless to say, I lack finesse with this part of ice cream making.

For now, I'm sticking to the easier ice cream bases until I work up the courage to try again.  Which, let's be honest...might not be for a while.  There are plenty of yummy no-cook recipes out there!  In fact, some of them I found in the middle of the night after one of my nightmares (you should at least be productive when you're up for no reason).

This was my ice cream venture with Fancy this week...

Lemon Ice Cream with Lemon Sauce and Raspberry Sauce
(all homemade, all fresh ingredients!)

It was lick the spoon yummy...not too tart, not too sweet.  Just right.    

Here's hoping you have a weekend that's just right!

the unsolicited baker

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