Otherwise known as ... my life this week in a list.
1. I've got to come clean about something.
I really loathe doing the dishes. Hate it. Wish for any other chore but the laborious and gross task that lies before me after getting my bake on. Clearly, you must see my problem. I bake...a lot. Therefore, I have a lot of dishes. Really, now? Too many whisk-it moments ruined by the certain prospect of cleaning up a particularly gooey ingredient. Ick.
This is why I felt like I won the boyfriend lottery when I found out my love bear "doesn't mind" doing the dishes. Sweet wonderfulness! Could I be any luckier? Cute, funny, sweet, doesn't mind using Dawn. Checklist complete!
Now...if only he was here right now to suds up all these bowls...
2. This week, I found myself addicted to my newest catchphrase... SHUT. IT. As in, "There's a new dress that comes in a navy stripe? SHUT. IT." Or, "The bakery downtown has a Tiramisu cupcake on Sundays? SHUT. IT."
Catchy, eh? I can hear you saying now...with a slight valley girl lilt and the emphatic pause between words...FABULOUS!
My previous catchphrases of choice (can you say catchphrases?) were SAD GIRL and I HATE YOUR FACE and DON'T GET CRAZY. All equally amusing...and, under my careful guidance, took over the world. Or at least the east coast. Ahem. Perhaps the Greater Columbia Area. Whatever.
3. The full moon tends to bring out the cray-cray in most people. After some serious consideration, I decided I shall start a new Twitter feed called Mall Stories (#MallStories). Like Tales from the Crypt...only scarier, cause they're true.
4. This week I fell in love with the new Nike campaign (and Gabby Douglas...total girl crush!!!). As if the Olympics wasn't enough to get every kid creating a pole vault in their living room...encouragement for every kind of body! Way to go, Nike. Love, love, love.
5. That Betty Crocker better watch her back. On August 1st, I got an e-mail saying Happy Birthday! You get a free-surprise-baking-lover-booklet-of-awesomeness! I thought...oh, how nice someone is recognizing that a birthday should be celebrated all year long.
Not 4 hours later, I got an e-mail that said OOOPS! It's not your birthday! Please accept this less cool booklet as an apology for reminding you that your birthday month is over. Needless to say, this incited a very grouchy SHUT. IT.
(That's okay, Betty. That's okay. I don't use your crappy cake mix, anyway!)
6. There is something so right about baking and knowing exactly what you are putting into your dessert...and into your mouth. I try to buy organic and fresh ingredients whenever I can, and truly believe you can tell the difference.
This week I made some truly yummy Madagascar Vanilla Bean and Greek Yogurt Cupcakes with Chocolate Mousse Frosting. The cake was nothing to write home about. Maybe a postcard. But the frosting? Give me a dime so I can phone my mother! (One million points for the person picking up on the Rod Stewart reference) (No, I am not ashamed that I love him and would have his babies).
7. There is a bunny that likes to hang out in MY love bunny's yard. I think it is just the cutest and try to catch it for a snuggle every so often. The other day we saw him as we were getting ready to leave.
Boyfriend: Ooooooh, look! There's the bunny!
Me: Awww. How cute. Can we keep him?
Boyfriend: (turns to me and says, seriously) Think we should get him some carrots from the store?
... Or is that just in the movies?
AHH! How adorable is my boyfriend?
8. I'd love it if people could stop drinking hater-ade for a week and try spreading a little happiness. A little love. An extra hug. A smile. It's free, easy and feels great! Be the good.
Here's hoping that you have a wonderful Friday...full of love, hugs and good things that make you say SHUT. IT.
the unsolicited baker
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