Friday, October 5, 2012

what the shell just happened?


Did I scare you?  I was beginning to feel a little like Casper on this blog ... POOF!  Invisible for the last month.  I figured it was high time to dust off the cobwebs on my laptop and get back to all things awesome!

Speaking of awesome.

It is officially October.  And Fall.  And Pumpkin Time.
And I might be going a little crazy.
Can I get some fall weather and turning leaves and an apple orchard down here in the south?
Pretty please with a caramel apple on top?  I could throw in some maple ice cream, I'm not stingy.
Yeah, that's what I thought.

It's so warm down here that my beach vacation this past week was beautiful.  All warm and breezy during the day and slightly cooler at night.  But I was totally on my phone taking hits of social media crack looking to score the next best fall recipe.  (Darn you, Twitter and Pinterest!)  I packed all my cute sweaters in the hopes that maybe ... just maybe ... it would get cool enough to wear them.

Walked barefoot on the beach and didn't even get cold.  Speaking of walks on the beach ...
When my Fee-Yawn-Say and I started dating we took our first vacation together to this very same beach house (compliments of his very wonderful sister and her them!).  We took a romantical walk on the beach and he picked up a perfect shell and twirled me around ... and sigh ... adorable.  Anyway, I saved our LOVE SHELL because I am terribly sentimental and all that crap.  Barf.

Fast forward a year and some change to this week.
We took a walk on the beach ... and he stopped ... and picked up a shell ...

ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh.  I totally had a moment.  He remembered!  I thought he was going to add it to our LOVE SHELL collection and we would show our kids and talk about how it made us all googly - eyed and lovey - dovey.

But then, suddenly, the shell goes careening through the air and some terrifying seagull snaps it up in one ghastly bite.  My Fee-Yawn-Say turns to me with a huge grin ... and says, Isn't that awesome that the bird caught it and thought it was food?

My jaw dropped.  I was speechless.  No! ... WAIT!  That was our LOVE SHELL.



The conclusion to this story is that another shell was found.  But it was not as sweet.  And I still hate birds.

However, here is the yummy recipe that I found thanks to my crack addiction ... that kind of - sort of makes up for the lost LOVE SHELL.

But not really.

(fall into fall ... or, fall face first into this cake)

I went to decorate this sweet little cake and decided to add some candy corn pumpkins.
Said pumpkins are from the third bag I've purchased since the "season" started.  Don't hate.
Said cake started looking suspiciously like Peter Rabbit and his carrots threw up on it.  So, I apologize.
I meant for this to look like a FALL cake.  But the candy makers at Brach's leave something to be desired in the way of pumpkin accuracy.
A-gourding to me ... they look like carrots.
Okay, I'm done.
I'm funny, but done.

And you can find this FABULOUS recipe ... HERE

Should you ever find yourself WHAT THE SHELL just happened?
Make this cake.  It's delicious.  And M WORD.
And should you devour your cake leaving only bitty crumbs?
Blame it on those "dang rabbits" raiding the carrot patch.
I won't tell.

the unsolicited baker